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Efficiency in practice: how can it work for us?

Why do tried-and-true methods not always deliver the expected results? Why do they work elsewhere but not for us? In Hungary, more and more companies are struggling to boost their efficiency, yet implementation often encounters significant hurdles. Thorough planning, IT governance tailored to company culture, and meticulous execution are all essential for success. Want to learn how to build effective IT organizational structures that stand the test of time? Read our article for insights!

3 min read

Stratis - Miért nem dörömbölnek az ágazat szereplői kórházi referencia architektúrát követelve?

Why are sectoral players not banging on the door for a hospital reference architecture?

The domestic health IT sector market is fairly limited, and suppliers have already largely divided the market among themselves. There is movement, of course, and the development needs and opportunities created by the National eHealth Infrastructure (EESZT) have given some companies room to grow in recent times. However, it can be argued that this market is not that enormous.

7 min read

stratis - korhazi - referencia- architektira cikk02

Is there a need for a hospital reference architecture plan?

Is there a reference architecture for hospitals in Hungary? Since we can find no trace at all of any hospital reference architecture plan in our country, we conclude that none exists. If it does exist, it has been successfully hidden, so, unfortunately, it cannot fulfil its function. Anyone missing it? Do we need it? Although we cannot find a domestic answer, there are known attempts at international level.

10 min read

Fókuszban a digitális transzformáció – Interjú Fazekas Jánossal, a Stratis Vezetői és Informatikai Tanácsadó Kft. Analytics üzletág igazgatójával

Focus on digital transformation - Interview with János Fazekas, Analytics BU Director at Stratis

For nearly 25 years, Stratis has been a strategic consultant and integrator assisting Hungary's leading large enterprises to implement their digital transformation projects. Our strength lies in providing data and consulting competencies from a single source. We not only understand the objectives and targets of senior executives, but we can also "bring them down to earth" and make them a reality.

3 min read

Stratis Beszámoló a MAJOSZ Járműipari Konferenciáról

Report on the MAJOSZ Automotive Industry Conference

The Association of Hungarian Automotive Suppliers (Majosz) organised one of the most important vehicle industry events of the year on October 6th on the ZalaZone test track site, where the hosts and tier 1-3 suppliers discussed current issues and trends in the industry. The hybrid conference was attended by a public of nearly 200 people on the spot and many others followed from afar from behind remote monitors.

3 min read

stratis-racionalis valaszok a gazdasagi helyzetre

What can a responsible company manager do when costs get out of control? - Rational responses to economic difficulties

Skyrocketing energy costs, soaring - and gallooping - inflation and out-of-control procurement prices are causing headaches for even the most accomplished business leaders. Everyone is looking for means and places to save money, to find ways to keep things running. In more and more sectors, the survival of companies is at stake. But the solution may be closer than you think. There is a huge potential for savings in corporate data assets and their proper interpretation. Did you know that data-based efficiency gains alone can be enough not only to survive, but even to grow in times of crisis?

7 min read