Business problems &


Megoldasok Energiafelhasznalas

Energy monitoring and forecasting, optimisation

Business problem

  • Significantly rising energy prices have highlighted the fact that energy can easily become a company's most significant cost.

  • Conscious management of energy factors requires serious preparation and the ability to react quickly to changes.

Business objective

In addition to the mandatory energy cost control and reduction of indirect effects (e.g. production efficiency, scrap rates), it is now inevitable to monitor environmental/sustainability/CO2 and other pollutant emissions. A data-driven approach is a proven best practice in energy management.


  • Data-driven operations are based on the detailed and accurate measurement and collection of relevant data (influencing factors and uses, consequences). To develop this, we work with several partners who offer data collection technology optimised for different situations.

  • With business objectives in mind, a strategy and transformation programme can be designed based on the data, which, if implemented, can in itself deliver significant benefits.

  • At the same time, real-time data collection, complemented by the analysis and forecasting, real-time usage optimization and automated intervention capabilities we offer (e.g. contract limit control, active production and consumption management, problem detection/alert/remediation, etc.) are additional capabilities that lead to even higher levels of energy efficiency.

Achievable benefits

In the examples we have seen, even a simple data-driven strategy and transformation programme can result in energy savings of 5-15%, but it is not uncommon to see savings of 30-40%.

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