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Lidl innovates: Changes to shelf-stocking

Lidl Hungary is going to stock its shelves with world-class, cutting-edge technology: The supermarket chain is introducing an internet-based automated ordering system called Auto Dispo, which allows for the optimal determination and automatic ordering of the quantities needed for running daily sales. The latest innovation not only supports more efficient daily operations, optimum product availability, and smooth inbound deliveries, but also allows a further reduction of generated food surpluses.

Stratis - Újít a Lidl: megváltozik az árufeltöltés a boltok polcainál

The new system essentially provides Lidl with the ability to replace decisions that previously relied on human judgement with full automation, using an artificial intelligence-based system. The development eliminates the need for estimates and allows the quantity of goods to order to be accurately planned and sales to be forecast based on existing data. The system not only determines the quantities of goods needed but also automatically orders them for the stores to ensure that the right stock volume and composition are always available.

This is a win-win situation for shoppers too, as they rarely have to worry about their favourite products running out of stock or not having enough of them on the shelves. It is good to know that the way an automated ordering system works is that it takes into account the available stock and also pays extra attention to best-before and expiry dates - how long a product can be kept on sale.

Another important benefit of development is that it saves time for the store management team working in Lidl stores, allowing them to better focus on important tasks such as employee development, further optimising processes, and increasing customer satisfaction. It also supports the goal of always making Lidl the first choice.

Reducing food waste is a matter of attention and organisation

Thanks to Auto Dispo, the fight against food waste gets yet another reinforcement, as exactly the right amount of products will be available in the shops. The system prevents the accumulation of excess food by optimising orders: As early as in the ordering process, it ensures that the quantity of products delivered to the stores matches demand. "As an innovative company, Lidl Hungary is committed to improving its products and systems on an ongoing basis to meet the expectations of its customers to the fullest, and to operate more efficiently, while keeping sustainable operations in mind.

Overall, this new technological investment will bring positive changes for customers, the environment, and store employees alike," said Judit Tőzsér, Lidl Hungary's Communications Director. No matter what effort the retail chain makes to reduce food waste, its generation is inevitable.

However, there are several solutions the store network has developed over the past years to address this. Thus, as part of its social responsibility, in cooperation with various organisations - such as the Hungarian Food Bank Association - Lidl supports thousands of people in need regularly every month with food it rescues and recalls from sales counters. In addition, Lidl Hungary has for many years paid special attention to the timely rescue of food that is about to be taken off the shelves in commercial distribution but still safe to eat.

The supermarket chain's promotion has become popular among a wide range of customers: It offers a discount applicable to products that are close to or just barely within the ‘best before’ or ‘keeps quality until’ limit: For example, fresh meat and packaged supplier branded bakery products are offered at a 50% discount on the last day of the best-before expiry date. Moreover, alimentary products no longer fit for human consumption are donated to animal shelters, zoos, and hunting associations. Finally, in the interests of sustainability, food waste that can no longer be donated or recycled is composted or reused in biogas plants.

Source: napi.hu

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