Our achievements

Market leader Hungarian-owned management consulting firm

26 years of experience

~3.2 B HUF (~8,5M EUR) net annual revenue

Customer satisfaction excellence

(85+ NPS)

~2800 projects/26 years

Dynamic growth

(20+% CAGR in 5 years)

Our mission


You can rely on us


Our services are like a construction project: you can hire us to lay the foundations or even to buid the roof separately, but if you entrust us with the whole construction, you can be sure that the building will be built, stable and durable.

Business problems &


The Stratis's AI assistant is working on a notebook as a customer service assistant in an office.

Meet A.N.I.T.A, our AI customer service assistant!

The artificial intelligence of A.N.I.T.A. (Artificial Neural-Intelligence Translator Assistant) can process up to 50,000 documents without human intervention. It automatically performs simple, repetitive tasks, categorises incoming requests and complaints, prioritises, generates responses and forwards cases to the appropriate case handler. An invaluable help for customer services! It saves time and allows case managers to focus on relevant tasks that require human intervention.

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Megoldasok Energiafelhasznalas

Energy monitoring and forecasting, optimisation

Struggling with high energy prices? Data-driven and conscious management of energy use is the solution! Even simple data-driven strategies and transformation programmes can result in savings of 5-15% or even 30-40%. Take advantage of real-time data collection, analysis and forecasting, optimise your energy use in real time and automate interventions. With tools like these, you can take energy efficiency to the next level!

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Megoldasok Kereskedelmi Halozat

Retail network performance monitoring & data-driven sales management

Maximize your sales performance with our software solution developed for performance monitoring and data-driven sales! Our system collects and analyzes commercial data, allowing you to identify sales patterns and exploit market opportunities. You'll be able to react faster to market changes, improving your sales results and reducing overstocking. And with targeted marketing strategies, you can achieve significant revenue growth.

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Vecteezy Abstract Tree Growing From A Book Mental Training And 31606070

A.N.I.T.A. - AI-Powered Search for Enterprises

Having answers buried in corporate documents isn’t enough; they need to be quickly and easily found! Intelligent search takes information retrieval from the corporate knowledge base to a new level. A.N.I.T.A. automatically answers most of your colleagues' questions, all in a fraction of a second, accurately, quoting from the document.

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a digital hand holding pictograms related to customer bill payment arranged in a circle on blue background

Customer bill payment analysis and proactive management

Simplify the cash collection process and minimize the amount of overdue or unpaid invoices with machine learning algorithms! These solutions help you analyze historical invoice data, customer behavior patterns, existing collection process and other relevant factors to predict which invoices are likely to be paid on time and which may require intervention. They improve the accuracy of your forecasting of cash flow and short-term liquidity needs.

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Lady in safety clothing walking between shelves in a warehouse, holding a tablet.

A.N.I.T.A. - Data-Driven Procurement Strategies

Say hello to A.N.I.T.A., your new AI procurement assistant! By using A.N.I.T.A., you can consolidate your supplier data into a single, unified view, enabling more informed and strategic procurement decisions. With comprehensive spending tracking, you can develop data-driven procurement strategies that boost efficiency, improve business partnerships, and significantly reduce costs.

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Robot looking at a dashboard with a warehouse in the background

Supply chain planning with AI

Optimizing raw material demand, inventory and logistics, improving demand forecasting are all areas where AI-based solutions can revolutionize. By incorporating advanced AI-powered analytics solutions, you can achieve better business results: improve the timeliness of your orders while reducing your supply chain costs. All of this leads to staying competitive.

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Megoldasok Szolgaltatoi Halozat

Service provider network behaviour analysis, failure prediction, anomaly detection

The increasingly complex service networks of our time (be it telecom, utilities, logistics, healthcare, or any other many endpoint architecture) exponentially escalate the challenge of system management. At the same time, the cost of service networks is the dominant, Top 3 category cost item for large service providers. Reducing network cost and increasing efficiency has a direct impact on provider effectiveness. In such a case, digitalisation is a natural target, offering an excellent opportunity to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

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Articles & studies


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Can you understand a table without headers?

The Key to Successful Data Warehouse Integration Projects: Effective Collaboration with Source System Stakeholders. Many tend to focus only on business stakeholders during data warehouse integration projects, yet source system stakeholders are just as critical. Their involvement (securing their “buy-in”) is a key prerequisite for a successful integration—whether it’s about data loading or understanding the data itself. Effective collaboration with source system stakeholders in the assessment phase determines the success of a project through three key factors.

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Article Hot topics

How not to mismanage Cloud Service Management - Part 2.

In this series, we aim to explore the challenges organizations face when adopting cloud-based solutions. In the first part of the series, we examined the design and lifecycle of services. Now, in Part Two, we will focus on the ITSM processes that we believe are most critical when dealing with cloud solutions.The third and final part of this series will cover governance and cost control.

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Man holding a laptop in his hand


IT Governance: the challenges of IT and business leadership in the era of digital transformation

Improving the performance of IT as a business area is a continuous expectation from company management. In a world of digital transformation, business leaders are constantly faced with the challenge of implementing and using new IT (Information technology) and OT (Operational technology) tools with unknown opportunities and risks before making business decisions. Without clear, professionally based guidance and recommendations, decisions can have unforeseen consequences. Choosing the wrong technology, even a missed opportunity, can have a significant impact on the performance of a company's senior management.

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Leveraging corporate data assets is key to achieve strategic goals

It's a cliché to say that the oil of the age is data, yet there is an ever-increasing amount of data being generated at every point in business, and by characterising it, we can find, if not oil, then gold. In our country, we can observe that the maturity of IT systems supporting managers varies from sector to sector, with infocommunication, financial and logistics companies generating an incredible amount of data, but often the synthesis of information that can be easily used by managers is not, or only partially, done. In the case of agricultural and manufacturing companies, we see a generally lower level of development, with the exception of a few innovative companies, the development of data-driven management has only started in recent years.

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People sitting in an office with charts on the screen


Efficiency in practice: how can it work for us?

Why do tried-and-true methods not always deliver the expected results? Why do they work elsewhere but not for us? In Hungary, more and more companies are struggling to boost their efficiency, yet implementation often encounters significant hurdles. Thorough planning, IT governance tailored to company culture, and meticulous execution are all essential for success. Want to learn how to build effective IT organizational structures that stand the test of time? Read our article for insights!

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Article Hot topics

How not to fail at Cloud Service Management - Part 1

What should companies look out for to avoid the pitfalls of cloud services? Cloud services pose serious challenges for businesses. It is crucial for companies to develop effective service management that enables them to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. However, without proper processes, policies, analysis and communication, cloud strategies can easily fail and lead to dissatisfaction rather than the expected business value.

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Driven by data: the new era of the energy sector

Discover how data-driven approach can revolutionise DSOs and other operators of energy systems of large size and cost, optimising operations and reducing costs. The proliferation and deployment of new generation renewable energy generation alongside traditional assets has triggered a major transformation process within the energy sector, where the technology is changing, as is the business case.

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Article Hot topics

Control of the Business Intelligence area in credit institutions

The National Bank of Hungary (MNB) imposes various data reporting obligations on credit institutions in the context of its supervision of the financial sector. These are required for the MNB's statistical activities (e.g. disclosure) and for the central bank information system. Extraordinary data reporting may also be required by an administrative decision, but there are also, for example, data reporting requirements imposed by EU legislation.

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Stratis - AI-asszisztens


AI-assistant – the Jeanne D’Arc of customer service processes

AI is one of the fastest growing focus areas for customer service development. According to Gartner, one in seven customer service interactions will be automated by 2027. There is a 14% improvement in the number of resolved cases following the introduction of generative AI, 35% for low-skilled agents. So it is clear that AI cannot be avoided when talking about the future of customer service. But what is the power of AI and what will it take to become a useful colleague?

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Beszerzési stratégiák adatokra építve


Data-driven Procurement strategies

As technology and data analytics capabilities continue to evolve, procurement departments in large companies are increasingly able to make more informed decisions than ever before. By analysing their data, companies can develop data-driven sourcing strategies that can revolutionise their procurement processes. In this article, we will walk you through what a data-driven procurement strategy is, illustrated with real-life examples and best practices. We will explore how companies can leverage their data assets to make more effective purchasing decisions and improve their bottom line.

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Rábízhatjuk egy vállalat döntéseit a mesterséges intelligenciára? - Interjú Havasi Andorral és Gáspár Sándorral


Can we trust a company's decisions to artificial intelligence? Interview with Andor Havasi and Sándor Gáspár

The rise and conquest of artificial intelligence (AI) is experienced by everyone, from creative professionals through logistics and manufacturing companies to large enterprises and companies with retail chains.

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stratis - korhazi - referencia- architektira cikk02


Is there a need for a hospital reference architecture plan?

Is there a reference architecture for hospitals in Hungary? Since we can find no trace at all of any hospital reference architecture plan in our country, we conclude that none exists. If it does exist, it has been successfully hidden, so, unfortunately, it cannot fulfil its function. Anyone missing it? Do we need it? Although we cannot find a domestic answer, there are known attempts at international level.

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Stratis - best of breed


Three shades of large company integration - Pitfalls of the best-of-breed approach

In the past 5 years, significant acquisitions and mergers took place in the telecom and banking sectors in Hungary. In the telecom sector, all major companies have been involved in acquisitions, while the public market has now become a three-player market. In the banking sector, there has been a partial portfolio swap in the region, with banks exiting markets that did not offer them economies of scale and looking for new acquisition targets in the region instead.

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The recipe for successful mergers and integrations

Do you still remember when UPC disappeared overnight? Or when you first heard about Hungarian Bankholding Ltd.? In the telecom and banking sectors, there were major acquisitions and mergers in Hungary in the years 2021-2022. Such transactions aimed at achieving cost efficiency, increasing market share, or acquiring new capabilities. And while to the outside observer these changes may seem to happen in a wink, integrations can take up to 1-3 years, even in a lucky scenario.

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digitális állampolgárság


Is public administration winning the race against the competitive sector in digitalisation?

Digital transformation is the process when an institution or company, building on revolutionary, new digital technology and business opportunities, fundamentally redesigns its operations based on changed customer needs, and thus moves away from the constraints of traditional operations to provide better service and achieve price advantage.

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A mesterséges intelligencia szerepe a digitális transzformációban


The role of artificial intelligence in digital transformation

For nearly 25 years, Stratis has been a strategic consultant and integrator helping Hungary's leading enterprises implement their digital transformation projects. We provide services primarily in banking, industry, telecommunications and energetics. Our activities pursued to help our clients can be divided into 4 main groups: management consulting, information and data management, IT- and professional management of complex, business-critical projects. Our strength lies in the fact that we offer data and consulting competencies from a single source. We not only understand the objectives and goals of senior executives, but can also "bring them down to earth" and make them a reality. In the paragraphs below, we give you a short account of this.

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Predektiv Analitika


Application areas of predictive analytics

In our previous article, we introduced the concept of predictive analytics and highlighted the benefits that forecasts can bring to companies. Now we give an overview of the sectors and areas where the use of predictive models has proven useful for data-driven operations and improving business performance.

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Data-based retail sales performance management

Data-driven business operations, data-based decision-making. More and more companies adopt this approach, as using artificial intelligence and properly collected, processed and analysed information enables, for example, more efficient, profit-oriented operation for a commercial network. However, retail sales performance management also poses a number of challenges. In today's article, we set out to explore these and show how our data-based solutions can deliver tangible business performance improvements.

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Stratis prediktív analitika


Predictive analytics - Looking into the future through data

"Data is the new oil in the 21st century!" A quote by British mathematician Clive Humby coined in 2006 has become a veritable buzzword in recent years. However, we should add that, like oil, data only has real value if we can make good use of the amount of information we gather. One of these uses is forecasting, a methodology known collectively as predictive analytics. In this article, we review what is worth knowing about predictive analytics and why it is important for companies.

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stratis-racionalis valaszok a gazdasagi helyzetre


What can a responsible company manager do when costs get out of control? - Rational responses to economic difficulties

Skyrocketing energy costs, soaring - and gallooping - inflation and out-of-control procurement prices are causing headaches for even the most accomplished business leaders. Everyone is looking for means and places to save money, to find ways to keep things running. In more and more sectors, the survival of companies is at stake. But the solution may be closer than you think. There is a huge potential for savings in corporate data assets and their proper interpretation. Did you know that data-based efficiency gains alone can be enough not only to survive, but even to grow in times of crisis?

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Esettanulmány: vállalati intelligens keresőmotor


Case study: Intelligent corporate search engine

Machine learning-based modern text processing models have gained increasing popularity since 2019, as these solutions can semantically interpret bulk text and find connections in it. These models can be used for automatic keyword extraction, text categorisation, text generation, or even translation. By combining all these application areas in a single complex process, software can be created that can perform a complete processing and administration task fully automatically, without human supervision. In addition, such software can further assist in manual administrative processes by gathering additional information from the Internet or internal systems for the user, saving time and effort.

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Természetes nyelv feldolgozás (Natural Language Processing, NLP) és erre épülő tudásmenedzsment


Natural Language Processing (NLP) and overlaying knowledge management

NLP nowadays represents a significant segment of the artificial intelligence applications market. Just think of spell checkers, automatic response generation tools, or even translator programs. These are the applications that everyone encounters every day.

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Optimalizálás – mint a hatékonyság, a versenyképesség és pénzügyi eredményeink javításának egy lehetséges eszköze, nem alábecsülendő!


Optimisation - As a possible means to improve our efficiency, competitiveness and financial performance, it should not be underestimated!

As managers, we are responsible for ensuring the continued, profitable operation of our company, while steadily maintaining and continuously increasing its value and goodwill. What can we do if key performance indicators show that our company's profitability is deteriorating? How do we handle it when we are unable to make the major investments - expansions and developments - required to maintain or improve our company's position in a highly volatile or evolving market environment?

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A mesterséges intelligencia hasznai: kereslet-előrejelzés a kiskereskedelemben


Artificial intelligence benefits: Demand forecasting in retail

Nowadays, accurate and rapid demand forecasting is essential for the optimal operation of commercial companies, as it is the only way to compete with other industry branch players. Forecasting is also becoming increasingly emphasised in retail because any unusual, out-of-the-ordinary event, such as the vagaries of weather, can disrupt and profoundly upset supply chain processes. This is why companies at the forefront of digitisation have slowly but surely started to embrace next-generation technologies such as artificial intelligence and have gained a competitive edge in supply chain planning. But what exactly are the difficulties that can be overcome by using AI? In this article, we summarise the key facts!

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Cloud illustration
Cloud illustration

Peace of mind & long-term partnership


We are successful when our clients look back on our cooperation and feel they received far more than they expected. We never stop at meeting our contractual points, we go the extra mile when needed. Our most valuable service to them is peace of mind. They can trust that whatever we commit to will be taken care of, allowing them to confidently move forward toward their next strategic goal.

Happy Client Gonda Gabor

Gábor Gonda

Chief Commercial Officer | Telekom

The Stratis team brings exactly the right "outside-in" perspective to our thinking that helps us get our strategy on the right track. As a co-thinking partner, they are not only involved in concept development, but also in the follow-up of the results.

Happy Client Photo By Toth Martin

Martin Tóth

Head of Data and BI | Howden

If I had to summarise our collaboration with Stratis in 3 points, I would say: Cooperation, partnership and goal-oriented developments. They seamlessly integrate into the internal team and we can almost immediately start any project without needing to explain the ins and outs of a particular subject.

Customer Reviews Gaal Fanni

Fanni Gaál

Data Lake & BI Solutions Manager | Mol Group

After several years of partnership, we not only share our work, but also our results. The Stratis team plays an integral role in ensuring that our analytics products continue to support our business processes with excellence and ever-improving quality thanks to their end-to-end development support.

Banking & Insurance


Public sector




Concentration and consolidation of the financial institutions market continues. Developing IT capabilities, both in internal operations and in customer service, has become an essential element of successful corporate strategies. Traditional players are steadily being overtaken by Fintech and Insuretech solutions, the importance of face-to-face relationships is decreasing, and the role of online contact, "always on services" and instant automated transaction execution is steadily increasing.

Aegon Allianz Cib Dhk Erste Generali Kh Nn Otp Raiffeisen Bank International Logo Budapestbank Mkb Magyar Bankholding Logo Horizontal Color Rgb Letoltes 32

Society is ageing, the population's needs for services are changing and the system's financing requirements are constantly increasing. These are not just domestic but global issues that are straining the current operating environment. With 10+ years of industry experience and more than 2800 successfully implemented projects in other sectors behind us, we have proven that e-Health solutions and the digital transformations they enable can deliver both active and passive responses to these challenges.

Eszfk Logo2 Okf Oth Nrsz Oep Gyemszi Enkk 2560px Gedeon Richter Logo Svg Logo Of Egis

Citizens' demands for single and multi-channel customer service, digital administration needs, standardisation requirements from policy makers are challenging the legacy, in some cases 10 years old, individual core and specialised systems of public institutions, their cardboard-mature island solutions and the integration capabilities of hundreds of systems per institution. We create lasting value in the digitisation of the industry by providing industry digitisation capabilities, operational and systems design and technology capabilities for the DIMOP and Digital Citizenship Programmes, the introduction of new technologies and the organisational and operational transformations required to support these.

Bkv Mav Informatika Post Mav Mav Szk Ksh Bm Okf Logo Hungaro Control Kekkh Kiffu Logo Mnl Kti Magyar Allamkincstar 1 Magyar Posta 1 Nav Nisz Onyf Szerencsejatek Eli Kopin Logo Ikk Logo Csmkh Logo Bfkh Nszfh Logo Color Left Black Font Kormanyhivatalok Djnkft Weblogo

The Hungarian telecoms market has entered a new phase. Fixed voice services have been marginalised, growth is typically expected in mobile and internet services. We see strong market concentration, with a three-pole market emerging. Meanwhile, the dependency of industry and society on telecommunications ("always on services") is rising to unprecedented heights. The key to the growth of the sector is to ensure the credibility and integrity of communications in an increasingly challenging external environment.

Digi Transcom Upc Yettel Hbo Europe Vodafone 4ig Logo Antenna Hungaria Magyartelekom Share Letoltes Gts Deutsche Telekom Logo 1995

The goals of greening, renewable energy production and decarbonisation are radically transforming the energy industry, which will be irreversibly digitalised in the coming decades. New grid technologies will force the transformation of existing solutions and operations, the entry of new solutions and actors, the transformation of the status quo, existing operational and service models, consumer habits, the promotion of local consumption and the necessary organisational capabilities. To this development, we will add high added value through our experience in digitisation and data solutions across multiple sectors, creating lasting value.

Gdf Mvm Logo 1 Mvm Informatika Mol Plc7553 Mavir Fkf Drv Bpk Zold Mohu2

In addition to targeted industry solutions, the flexibility of our services and team of experts ensures that we can meet the needs of our customers with specialised or unique activities. By working with our partners, we can assemble a team of experts covering a broad spectrum of industries.

Bonafarm Tokaji Graphisoft Color Logo Auchan Logo 1983 2015 Howden Logo Wing Idomsoft Greengo Logo

Contact us!


Do you have a business problem but don't know what would be the best solution? Don't worry, our team is here to help. Contact us and start working with us today!

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